
Zuka I., Miri, Sarawak

“I’ve been going to Leonard at Core Reactor for Personal Training since about March this year. Exercise low on my priority list, but nonetheless I’ve seen my own total body fitness and strength increase. Leonard tailors the sessions to suit my current level of fitness and always sets the workout around (and away) from whatever ache or pain I’m feeling on the day.  He’s also ensured that my workout varies and combines different elements of suspension, kettlebell, jumprope and functional core (ow!) in all my workouts.  It’s always effective and it’s always interesting. You know you’ve worked out when you’re done! From personal and anecdotal evidence, his motivational style suits the individual, since he makes an effort to get to know you. 


The studio is just right. All the kit you need, none of the kit you don’t. Shower and changing facilities, protein shakes and a small inventory of stuff you might want to get for yourself e.g. workout timers, kettlebell, suspension cables.   


I’ve been a gym member off and on for 15 years and even had a personal trainer a few times.  Never lasted. This is by far and away my best experience and I’ll continue to return.”


Byron S., Miri, Sarawak

“Why Did I join Core Reactor?


Core Reactor, what can I say, I’ve been trying to get myself in shape for the better part of the last 3 years on my own. And in essence it was a success to a certain degree. I managed to drop myself about 25kg+ and managed to keep most of it off. However, I was just getting thinner and lighter. And over time, I found I’m visiting the doctor’s more and more. I was getting sick a lot more often. Eventually, I discovered although I was getting thinner, I wasn't getting healthier. And that was a major acknowledgement for me, I had to realize that the two were very different.  I was doing intense cardio activities, but finding myself weak in all over, I was getting pushed around in my favorite sport of basketball.


So I decided to take a new direction, it was time to look for help. I’ve known about Core Reactor for a while, and like most of you reading this right now, I was thinking to myself, “I can do this on my own, I don't need to pay someone to tell me what to do, hey I’m smart right?” You’re thinking that I know! Because that's what  I was thinking all the time. So I decided to give it a go, and after session #1 my reaction was “OMG! That was a #!@%& intense workout!” I’ve been with Core Reactor for about 3 months now and the results are phenomenal, I’ve lost about 4% plus body fat, if you don't think that's a lot, here’s some simple math. I weigh in the area of 90KG, 4% of that is 3.6KG of FAT! Imagine you going to the market and ordering 3.6KG of FAT, yes it’s that much! On top of that, it wasn’t as if I was getting thinner like my previous self-taught training program, I was actually getting stronger, a lot stronger! I started my first session doing 11 pushups a minute…yes, eleven! Now I’m throwing out about 30+ in a minute. It’s not superman yet, but for me, it's a huge improvement.


As of now, I’m still with Core Reactor and will continue to be for the foreseeable future. Hey I know we all have different reasons(read: excuses) for not doing it ranging from Time, Price, priorities, etc. If you want to get fit and get into shape, and not drop from some random coronary disease, the first thing you need to get over is your own excuses. Our health isn’t worth any of the reasons/excuses you are trying to come up with right now. If not for yourself, then think of your loved ones, my primary inspiration for going through all the “pain and suffering” is my family. I want to be around them for a long time to come, and not be a headline in the local newspaper of some guy who passed out at McDonald’s while waiting in line for a Big Mac. You make your own destiny in your own life. There will never be an end to the reasons why you cant do it, but you only need ONE reason to do it!”


Calvin S., Kuching, Sarawak

“I joined the Studio a couple of months back and have been joining the Group Sessions mostly. Among my favorites are the Suspension Cables, followed by Mix Circuit, and then Kettlebell, and sometimes, the Functional Core classes. I keep coming back for more simply because I find the sessions to be highly effective, and always challenging just to even keep up and not forgetting fun. The highly intense sessions with a good mix of workouts varied from time to time  keeps the sessions fresh and interesting. The studio is neat, tidy and minimalistic, but well equipped. The crowd size for each session is sufficiently managed, and working out with a bunch of enthusiastic crowd definitely adds to the fun factor. The trainers are professional and a very friendly lot, they sure can push motivate the hell out of you when the going gets tough! In a nutshell, all of the above factors gets me the best bang of the buck; to stay fit and have fun while I’m at it.”


Doug B. Canada

“Core Reactor is ultimate experience for anyone looking for a personal trainer.

Leonard and Drew are focused and highly motivated individuals and as a result you will be treated to most comprehensive personal training program available in Miri, Sarawak.

Core Reactor offers leading edge personal training. They were the first personal trainers in Miri, Sarawak to use the suspension training system. Their combination of cardio, kettlebells and suspension is a far superior personal training system then the normal training facilities that only offer weight training routines.

When you commit to a personal training program with Core Reactor that is what is delivered to you. Based on the results to your first fitness assessment Core Reactors will create a customized workout specifically designed for you. Your workout will be changed as your strength and stamina increase.

If you have personal fitness goal (or a previous goal that you did not achieve) then Core Reactor is the place to call. You will not be disappointed.”


Michelle D., Canada

“Taking part in the group sessions at Core Reactor has to be the best decision I have made for myself since moving to Miri.   The classes are tough.  The classes are fun.  They are addictive! Most of all the instructors are VERY motivating and the results even more so.  I am Stronger, More Fit, Healthier and 5kilos lighter than I was before I started coming to classes. Best decision EVER!”


Syahriza J., Miri, Sarawak

“I chose to sign up with Core Reactor to supplement my running with some strength exercises, particularly core strength. The PT program was most suitable for me given the flexibility in timing and the exercise program can be customized to suit my goal/target. Before I started, people would tell me that it will hurt for a few days afterwards and I’d feel like I can’t move….they were not kidding. But it gets better with time. Len & Drew are very good at pushing you without making you feel like it’s a boot camp but still keeps it very challenging. And even with my running injury, they were still able to tailor my exercise program around the injury.”


Davina T., Miri, Sarawak

“Coming back to Miri, I wanted to get back in shape.  These were my criteria - I didn’t want to invest in a gym membership as I am only here on an interim basis.  I needed a fitness regime that is effective and time efficient, and most of all – I needed someone to push me every day.  The answer to my needs on a collective whole was, in a nutshell, Core Reactor.

Fundamentally these workouts engage and activate the core.  The theory is quite simply tree like – strong trunk, steady branches; weak trunk, spindly branches.  Admittedly I am now addicted to these routines as I am fast seeing and feeling results in myself in just 8 short weeks of going there.

The boutique style studio is equipped to house around 10 people at any given class.  This is great because smaller manageable classes mean PTs are able to observe every single person and ensuring proper technique and posture at all times.  My personal favourite would have to be the STS routines – not only does it engage the core but requires balance which also means that you are engaging muscles you didn’t know you have!  I love the cables because you can take them everywhere you go – it’s my gym in a pouch!   AeroJump classes are fast becoming a hit with me as it’s a cardio and functional core workout combined.  Again, totally mobile friendly - all you need is your body and your skipping rope.  Group sessions are always fun however I do prefer the Personal Training sessions where your workouts are tailored to what you need and what you require.   – not to mention the undivided attention and helpful tips you get from your friendly Personal Trainer!

The pay-as-you-go concept allows you the freedom of not being committed to monthly membership payments which is great for out-of-towners, visitors and locals alike.  You buy ‘em, you use ‘em – it’s that simple.   If you are looking to achieve optimum results, I definitely recommend you go to Core Reactor.  Efficient regimes, achievable goals, results orientated.  Core Reactor, the quintessential workout studio.”


Nicola J., Scotland, UK

“I joined the Core Reactor studio 4 months ago on high recommendations from friends. I am eager to lose weight and tone my body for my Wedding day in September.  I have tried many diets, fitness routines, personal trainers before with little to no success. Some friends informed me about the core reactor studio so I made enquiries and had a one to one discussion about my personal goals and objectives from one of the core team members. Since starting my fitness regime with core I have never looked back, I easily lost 12 lbs in as little as 6 weeks and dropped a dress size. I eat healthy however I don't need to calorie count as the core exercises speeds up your metabolism and each class you can burn between 500 - 700 calories, I know this as I have calculated it through a program on my sports watch. The classes are in small groups, extremely friendly and motivating, and the studio itself is very clean with the most up-to-date equipment.  Some exercises I may struggle to do due to old injuries I have, but this is never a problem, there is always an alternative to ensure you are hitting the right muscle group and making the most out of you exercise routine.  I look forward to hitting the core studio each and every time, meeting my friends and getting my body in great shape.”


Sheena A., KK, Sabah

“At first I was scared, I didn’t know what to expect.  Having a Personal Trainer turns out to be fun, exciting, challenging and satisfying.  After couple of classes it became more motivating because I could fit into my old pants again after 5 months of giving birth!  I also feel that my energy level is increasing.  I can do more things and it gives me a good nights sleep and it sets me up for a good day ahead.

Yes, it's painful after each session.  But trust me it's the kind of pain that we all need to build up our core strength.  I am the type of person who needs some motivation to do my exercise and Drew and Leo just came at the right time.  They brought  me forward and just pushed me to my limit.

They are friendly with all the members and you can get along with them easily.

The studio is clean and fresh.  Love the music choices.  It gives me an extra  boost of energy when I’m working out!

So yes, I truly recommend Core Reactor to everyone.  If you want a leaner and toned body, great stamina, one to one training with a trainer and some fun while doing with challenging workouts, join the Core Reactor Studio. :)”


Shirley G., Miri, Malaysia

“I wanted more than just a good workout. I’ve found it with Core Reactor PT Studio:-

The best and most professional personal trainers (Len and Drew) who motivate, care and ensure that you achieve your fitness goals!  Stress free and diversified routines/classes that get you excited and pumped.  Personalized and customized workout  routines which suit your fitness level and optimizes your strength.  Motivating you to push harder, beating last records set and edging you closer to your fitness goals.  Positive attitude and a clean environment, making you feel comfortable and good while working out.  Lastly, a great place to meet new friends (via the group sessions) that have the same passion for health and fitness.”


Muni Z., USA/Malaysia

"Following a year of ankle-flexing at my desk and water bottle workouts at the office water dispenser, I decided I needed to find some work-life balance ... and drills that were a tad bit more demanding!

Thus I began my search for the ideal workout. I dabbled in tennis and squash, improving my fitness by running around the courts picking up stray or missed balls. That did not last long as I began to find it difficult to secure a willing opponent – despite my repeated assurances of guaranteed triumph. I moved on to yoga. Drawn by the difficult contortions and sweat-wringing poses, I felt I had found my challenging workout. I soon discovered, however, that my puny, twiggy arms would hinder my progression to more advanced yoga. Then, by some miraculous turn of fate, I found Drew and Leonard. My saviors.

The workouts they design make every one of your muscles seem to have a purpose. Each workout leaves you screaming mercy and burning with lactic acid but I absolutely love it. I love how with time, I have less pain and more stamina. My yoga has improved tenfolds and my arms actually feel solid! I have always had trouble working up a sweat but Drew and Len’s core workouts do it seamlessly. They are attentive and enthusiastic, and are great at getting everyone to push their limits. Drew and Leonard will work just as hard as you and be excited to do so. The gym is well-equipped, complete with all basic amenities (shower, bathroom, changing room, great music! etc) and is spic-span clean.

A super effective, full-body workout, sessions at Core Reactor have since been bumped up as a part of my ideal workout. I’m pretty sure you’ll like it too."


Hez H., Miri

“Trust the dynamic duo that is Leonard and Drew to give you a proper ass kicking workout that will leave you sleeping like a baby at the end of the day!

Never disappoints!”


Jeyanthi N. Kuching, Sarawak

“Core Reactor is a must go to place for numerous reasons. 

#1 The trainers, Drew and Len are friendly and knowledgeable about the workouts they put you through. I don't need to worry that I'm going to hurt myself because I know someone has my back and is making sure I'm not accidentally torturing myself.

#2 The workouts are suited to your current fitness level and it progressively gets harder so it doesn't feel like you'll hit a plateau any time soon. Plus the group sessions are lots of fun & a chance to make some new buddies. 

#3 The studio is clean and there aren't any weird smells you might associate with a gym. The studio is air conditioned and cool inside, plays great music and has funky equipment. I like the kettle-bells because I haven't found them elsewhere in Miri. Also Suspension training is sweet because the next day feels like I've done a killer workout due to the killer pain.

#4 You don't feel self conscious working out because there isn't a whole lot of people at any one time except when its a group session or you can pick personal training too so it's just you, a trainer, good beats and a workout to complete. 

Summary: Great place and great people to work with to a great body, eventually :) “


Matthew R., U.K.

“I've been a member for around one month now. I joined having spoken to Leonard about the various options available, he was friendly and knowledgeable. My interest is only in the group classes and my comments relate only to that aspect of Core Reactor. I was looking for something new and interesting to get me motivated and fit.


The gym itself is very good. The swipe card entry, through to the clean, spacious and functional space create a purposeful and professional impression. The friendly welcome provided by Leonard and Drew made me feel immediately at ease and they took the time to talk me through the different exercises before the class started. Classes are offered at different levels which enables you to work your way up and within a class I found people were allowed to work to their own levels whilst being encouraged, but not pressured. I’ve attended Blitz Circuit classes, Core Workouts and Suspension Training, all were challenging, different and fun.

Overall I’ve been very pleased with my decision to join. It’s lived up to my expectations and I feel I’m achieving my goal of getting fitter and I’m enjoying it.”


Tosan C. (Mowapa), Nigeria

“Why do I keep coming back to core reactor studio? Believe me, I ask myself this question on a regular basis.  Am I a glutton for punishment?  No, too lazy for that. The clean and always cool studio?  Although I still break a sweat during workouts.  The way my body feels like all my muscles have worked, or my heart rate is up after just a few minutes of work-out?  The ‘we are in this together feeling’ you get during the group sessions?  The way Len & Drew make you feel like they want what’s best for you (note I said make you feel, I am not 100% sure that this is true)?  I guess all these together make coming to studio a great experience for me. And slowly I am becoming a glutton for punishment.

Did I mention I now fit into a pair of “stored at the back of the closet, smaller sized”


Josephine A., Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

“I signed up with Core Reactor after giving birth to my first child. My main objective was to tone up and to get rid of all the baby fats that I've gained during my pregnancy. Initially, I signed up for 10 sessions of Motivational Coaching and then upgraded my package to Personal Training 1. I personally love the Personal Training workouts as it's flexible and specifically designed based on my needs. With the variety of workouts, almost every session, it makes working out very interesting and fun.  Len pushes me hard when he needs to and goes easy on me when necessary.

Both Len and Drew have bubbly and friendly personalities, and that makes me feel very comfortable around them. On top of that, the studio is very private - no walk-ins - and it is really suitable for those who feel shy working out in gym full of muscular men! :)”


Sadelle F., New Zealand

"My first session at core reactor studio was awesome. I was very excited about using both kettle bells and suspension training as these are exercises i have never tried before. I did a group session with my husband and mother, what impressed me the most was leon's ability to adapt our exercises & resistance to each of our hugely different needs and capabilities. As a trainer he was also encouraging and effective at teaching all techniques while ensuring our session provided a heated physical challenge.

Having worked in the fitness industry, I felt Core reactor studio provided a very clean, professional and motivating training environment. 

Each session continues to be a great and challenging experience that i definitely recommend to any persons of any fitness level."


Aaron G., Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

“I started Core Reactor almost 2 months ago and I can definitely see the the improvement in my overall fitness. As a bar owner working late nights behind the bar, it causes fatigue and deteriorates my health significantly. Going to Core Reactor once or twice a week gives me that much needed workout and provides me with a healthier lifestyle. It gives me that energy boost thus I feel stronger and better than ever before. My main goal now is to lose my "beer belly" or "beer gut" or "spare tyre" whatever you call it, and with the help of Core Reactor I am determined to reach my goal.”


Regina W., Jakarta, Indonesia

“Core Reactor was recommended by friends when I asked around about personal trainers. I booked their personal training program where their friendly trainers, Leonard and Drew, went through the details of what to expect from their training. Drew assessed my fitness level and she created a program that is effective for me to reach my goal. She and Leonard motivated me to push my limit, taught me good exercise techniques and introduced me to boxing. In the end of the training, I was cooled down by a massage -which was fab! After a few sessions, I can feel that it improves my general fitness. Core Reactor's personal training program is recommended for those who would like to have an effective but fun workout.”


- Ben S. Miri, Sarawak

"I joined Core with the sole reason of losing weight. Being over weight, I was always a bit insecure about working out in a public gym. After searching for local gyms online, i found Core Reactor Studio!

Core provides a comfortable and clean workout space, awesome friendly trainers and a chance for people like me to workout without feeling weird about it. After my first few sessions, I felt a change in my daily energy levels and I felt more active. Instead of just losing weight I developed a goal of getting fitter and stronger too. Len is a really good trainer and he knows how to tailor the personal training experience to what I need.

I have never been into the whole active lifestyle before this, but now I have slowly changed into a more active person and its all thanks to Core Reactor PT Studio! I'd recommend the studio to anyone who is interested in getting fit, especially people like me."


Yadira M., Venezuela

“Es un sufrimiento y una hora de mucho esfuerzo que vale la pena porque al final ves resultados 100% recomendable.“


Kerr G., Ireland

"I recently joined Core Reactor to work on my stamina and core body strength.   I'm fairly regular at the gym, but I was starting to stall and was getting stuck in the same old exercises.  I needed something new, and some extra motivation!


I joined the group exercises, and so far I've done the suspension, core, and kettlebells sessions.  It really is a fantastic core workout, with well thought out exercises that compliment each other.  If you have never worked your core before - I can only recommend it - it makes you stronger everywhere else.  I race a lot of motocross and this is helping with the core endurance I need for those 20min motos!


Leonard and Drew are knowledgeable about the workouts, demonstrate them, make sure you are doing it safely and then do the workout with you.  They are great at getting you out exercising, and its a fun friendly atmosphere to do it.  The gym is cool, clean and well equipped.  Try it."


Nok D., Thailand

“Thank you for the great work out! I have enjoyed every exercise you have set up for me so far :) I also love the kettlebell work out very much. I have learnt a lot more new exercises. I always look forward to the next session. Cheers!!!”


- Luisabel M., Venezuela

““By perseverance the snail reached the ark” – Charles Haddon Spurgeon.


Beginning this year, I decided to eat healthier and fully recover from my knee and back sport injuries! I have been a professional volleyball player for many years and I had been out of the beach and court for few years. I started with Chiropractic’s sessions with Colin Brown and a “back to the basics diet”; a phase of pure proteins, then a second phase of proteins and vegetables and by now all kind of food in the market,except nothing fried!

Once, I followed a significant amount of Chiro sessions (5 months!) Colin suggested “core strengthening training”; so I got introduced to Leonard and Core Reactor Studio.

Even though, I apprehensively started my training in the Studio in August and I was already 10 Kgs less than when I started my program;

I have successfully stabilized my weight in those 12 weeks!

Now, I even have comments from my husband and many friends that I look great and more “compact”.

I most admit those comments and my cloth fitting makes me feel nicer but that is nothing compared to the feeling of no back pain, hardly any knee fear, I feel much stronger and I am even on some jumping training already! I am looking forward to the next training so I reach my next year’s goal; perform in beach volleyball tournaments and wear without hesitation my bikini uniforms ;)”


Elise K. M., Holland

“Leonard talks the talk and knows his stuff. His workouts are not for whimps. You have to WORK. But he'll make sure you'll still have a smile on your face. Love the way he lets us choose the music. 

Why am I not working out with Leonard right now? The timing is difficult for me. I would love a class first thing in the morning.”


Vivian L., Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

时间, 对一位在都市忙碌生活中且又喜好运动的家庭妇女来说是非常重要的. 我感同深受. 我是位练了多年瑜珈, 非常热爱运动的家庭主妇兼上班族. 所以, 给予我运动的时间是相当宝贵和珍惜的. 这是我选择加入Core Reactor PT Studio 会员原因之一. Core Reactor PT Studio 时间安排很变通, 灵活, 是完全可以按照我个人的需要来安排及调整.

安排了我宝贵时间来参加爱的运动,就必须是要物有所值. Core Reactor PT Studio 麻雀虽小, 但五脏俱全. 然而, 这对我来说并非是重点. 我更在乎的是指导员们都会亲自指点一些不正确的动作和姿势, 以免运动时对身体造成不必要的伤害.

Leonard 和 Drew 非常亲善, 也有亲和力. 凡事都有好商量. 他们和会员们运动时的感染力也很好. 回忆半年前刚加入会员时, 虽然这里已有很多会员, 多元种族. 初来报到的我也没有感觉什么距离感. 没多长时刻, 以和大家溶成一片, 一起运动, 有说也有笑. 感觉良好.

总的来说, Core Reactor PT Studio 是个不错运动的场所, 人事也很好. 物有所值是有过之而无不及. 我会继续支持及参与他们运动的行列中.


Valerie S., Australia

“I have been attending the Core Reactor PT Studio on a regular basis since it opened earlier this year.  Leonard as owner and instructor with Drew, provide continual support and encouragement so providing a warm friendly environment in which to exercise.  The facility itself is clean, spacious and well equipped.


Boredom in the exercise routines is never a factor as the content and format of the group classes continually change to allow for ongoing challenges so interest does not wane.   Both instructors are fully engaged with their clientele as well as being up to date with current exercises and are continually displaying initiative and innovation.  They have both been attentive to my physical requirements so allowing me to work at my own level without compromising any standards.


I look forward to all the group classes I attend i.e. core, suspension  and blitz circuits which are just awesome.   Each class I have attended has been well prepared.  Patience, thoughtfulness and respect are an obvious hallmark of all their interactions with myself and others.  I am just hoping they introduce some boxing classes in the future.“


Jennie R., UK

“I found classes at Core Reactor very good, and Leonard is a great motivator.  With his encouragement, during class, I achieved more than I would have exercising alone at home.  I would recommend the group sessions, and look forward to returning in 2012.  See you in class in 2012!”




About Us


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STS Suspension Cables


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Core Reactor PT Studio Sdn Bhd

Lot 118, 2nd Floor, Jalan Pasar Lutong, Lutong Town District, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Location on Google Map

Office Number:

None Available

Mobile Number:



ptstudio @ corereactor . com


Same as Mobile Number / E-mail Address






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Same as E-mail address

Business Hours:

Monday to Thursday : 9.00am to 8.45pm

Friday : 9.00am to 7.30pm

Saturday : 9.00am to 12.30pm

Closed Sunday & Major Public Holidays

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CORE REACTOR PT STUDIO SDN BHD (1038328-K)  All rights reserved 2014 (Last update - July 2014)

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